Sunday, January 12, 2014

I have reached my OMG moment!!

Okay.  Here it is twelve days into the new year and I have been trying to get into the right mindset to be able to make through at least one day without giving up and eating all that high carbohydrate trash.  

I got on the scale again this morning hoping to start once more eating healthy as I know I need to.  Last night, I attended an activity that required me to stand for thirty minutes.  In that time, I had lost feeling in my legs due to the pain in my back and suffering pain from the stomach hernia due to the pressure from standing and is a system from my back pain. In the process of weighing in this morning, the scale read 261.8.  OMG!!!

I have never weighed this much in my whole life.  I have reached menopause and am seeing quite a bit of changes that I don't like to my body.  Number 1 factor is the 35 lbs. that I have put on.  I am addicted to sugar and it has really caused the weight to come on.  Number 2 factor is the way my skin looks.  I feel that I have aged quite a bit in the last two years.  

So her I go again beginning once more to finally change my lifestyle so that I can live a more fulfilled life and can have the surgery that I need to fix my hernia.  I need to lose 60 lbs. now before I can have it fixed.  My goal was to have the surgery during the summer when work will be slow (work for a school) but it all depends on how much weight that I lose.  I am having so many issues with the hernia now and losing weight will help with the discomfort that it causes.

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